Saturday, February 25, 2017

We were all right weren't we?

One more before I sleep tonight.

I'm looking over old posts, and blogs right now (I'm stalking old posts right now). The most recent ones were in 2014. I guess blogger is mostly a forgotten sight amongst people my age. I don't blame them, they've become busy with life, and blogger really isn't that popular anymore.

Anyways it got me really sad seeing how things can just be forgotten about. One of my friends who I still think is a cool person had this in her description.

"Photography is my passion. I hate being screwed over."

I see her on instagram from time to time, and think "Damn, She's moved on. Photography is a major part of her life."

I remember fondly about the times we would used to hang out. I remember we'd used to get pizza at a local turkey food shop. It was great. But now we've moved on. Old friends move to new groups, New friends create new groups. People move away to do their own things. The more I think about it, the more life is like a good TV series. Story arcs happen. Cast move on and characters must be written out of the series. New characters enter your life. Some characters are killed off for character development.

Life to me feels like a book with new chapters happening every once in a while.

I'm getting quite teary writing about this.

Memories are great.

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