Thursday, May 17, 2012

Personal Favourites

Saddest movie I've seen: Hachiko: A dog's tale
Saddest death of a character: KAMINA!!! WHY!! T_T BRING HIM BACK TO LIFE DAMN IT!!
Best anime: Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann
Best movie(Past): Transformers
Best childhood movie reliever: Toy story 3
Best movie (Present): Avengers!

Monday, May 14, 2012

Questions! Questions! More Questions!

Recently, I've learnt a new technique of learning. Rather than just trying to absorb the information given to me and attempting to apply it, I should ask questions. Yes it seems stupid and obvious but, considering the situation I'm in now, I really need to realise this with my real eyes(like my pun?).

Choose your words

I tend to use words that don't make me sound smart or refined. An example is "I'm cheap" rather than
"It's efficient," see the difference? One obviously sounds more like a slob and will probably lower your social value in society, and the other will make it seem like you know how to use your resources. I want there to be a piece of technology that can allow someone to search for synonyms of a word and their meanings. Yes, I know there is a website based of this, but the words themselves don't sound smart.

Choice of words matter. That's why I chose my words 80% of the time before I even say anything.