Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Day 3: Specific Goals

Specific goals. I want to make my goals with an actual final destination instead of saying: "I want to go into, but I don't actually know whether I want to animate in 3D or 2D."

The thing is, recently, I've been inspired to make my goals just a little more specific. For example: I want to be an event manager(special thanks to Katies for fixing my mistake up of confusing it for event organiser), but for what kinds of events? festivals? concerts? competitions? It's just too broad to chase that goal. If I narrow it down to one aspect of event manager, I can chase that goal easier. For example: I want to be an event manager for festivals in Canely Vale. This is much easier to chase than: I want to be an event manager.

From this point on, I wrote it at 7am with no sleep from the night before. So, it might not make any sense.

In example 1, all I need to do is head down to Canely and talk to the council about events, start work experience there and build from that. However, if we start with example 2, I have to think of where to start. The biggest problem i've faced when chasing my dreams is where to start, and honestly, I overcame that by picking a random point on the line and starting there. It has worked, but not as efficiently as I wanted it to.

This also brings me to my next method; benchmarking. You may or may not have heard of this idea/concept, but it's very useful. To give a basic description, it's to set several goals -- one final goal, and several lower goals-- and reach all of them, one by one. I'll use the example of when I first started getting this idea of benchmarking(Thanks for HalbyStarcraft for giving me this idea).

Long as introduction to what i'm about to say(you can skip if you want):
So in the game of Starcraft II, you have to beat your opponent -- economically, and in terms of army cost. When you're done playing a game, you can watch the replay of it in order to see how you went. There are tabs that show you, in numbers, how you went. If you do the same build as a pro, you'll want to check things like when you got your first building and how much army spending(resources spent on army supply).

The example begins: 
At first, let's just say at 10 minutes, your army spending tab says 3000, but in the pro replay, you see 4500. Your benchmarks should be 3500, 4000, and 4500. Every time you reach a certain benchmark, you're feeling like you are closer to your goal. Compared to jumping from 3000 to 4500(which would make it seem too far to reach)

Saturday, November 24, 2012

Day 2: Teamwork

1)The first goal: Teamwork, or Interdependence.

No I'm not going to make it like one of those, 'let's break this down into the most simplest bits, and then build upon it.' kinds of things. I'm jumping straight into what I want to say, and what i've realised about the topics I want to bring up.

Team work. I want to work on this on the specific reason that in the past two months i've realised that it's something that can't be avoided; no matter how much you prefer to work alone. It's impossible to achieve everything without teamwork. This is why I am drawing the line here for working alone. I will work in a group when necessary and as in individual when the time comes.

What has made me realised over the past two months happened through experience. I've been wanting to become an event planner over the past few weeks/months. It's been really hard doing things alone, so it made me realise that you need more than one person to work on a particular project at times. However, teamwork revolves around one major word: 'interdependence'. It's a word that i didn't even know existed. It basically means relying on each other to get the job done. Not relying on one person, not being the person relied on, but both of these combined.

I've been testing this theory out-ish. It's been helping me succeed a lot more than expected. For example, I'm currently in the process of planning paintball. Everyone is relying on me, but at the same time, I'm also relying on everyone else to have contact details of people i don't have, and payment for the games.

Long post, but i got my idea across.

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Day 1: Introduction.

Over several days(or weeks), I will be posting several rules that I will set my goals towards following. These things are:

1) Teamwork
2) Focused Goals
3) Doing things
4) Self-reliance
5) Self-control
6) Changing my personality(which is basically 7) and making new methods to cheer people up.
7) Flash(I'll elaborate on this on the 8th day)
8) Family
9) Less experiments and more experience(kind of like 2)
10) Becoming a better Catholic

Overall, i've focused on these 10 goals because i plan on setting 7 virtues i plan on following. I'll come up with the 7 once i'm done with this list.

EDIT: This will be updated constantly by the way. I will be coming up with better names for the goals.

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Note to future self.

Write out the outline of your notes, don't do summaries if summaries already exist.

Thursday, October 11, 2012

I have to thank the past me.

Life is a journey that you cannot stop moving through. You have to make choices, some of which are harder than others but regardless of your choices, you must know the consequences. Accept them, use them to push forward. Don't stand and regret it. Have experience with everything.

My past has gone through many ups and downs. Some have taught me more than others. My past pushes me forward. I need to get rid of my lazy habits. Anything can push me forward, even if it is only by a bit.
Life is a journey.
It is very short and
Each of us only gets to make this journey once.
Enjoy the journey! 

source: http://www.poemhunter.com/poem/life-is-a-journey-6/

Everything falls apart, even the people who never frown eventually break down.

Love this song. I wonder who are the people who've never broken down.I know i'm not the only one.

Lately, I've been thinking (Yes, I think). Two things that have been affecting me. My self-control and my denial. Don't get me wrong. I know the rights from wrong. I've been trying to teach people this. One thing that I am working heavily on right now is my self-control. That's one thing that I must build as an on/off trait. This is so I can be able to have fun, but also able to work hard(and smart).

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

This place again...

Those were the exact words that I said to myself today, I said it mentally though. The reason is because that a long time ago(about 6 months or something) I was feeling really lonely and down. This is really stupid but whatever, I just wanted to post this up to make myself feel better(forever alone anyone?).

I may or not not finish typing this up./.. since it is freaking 1:46 am here


I know I should have posted this earlier but I was busy/not bothered to type this up.

Formal was great. Had fun. Didn't not spend as much time with my date as I would have liked to.

In order, the events went like this:
Why am I posting the events like this? So I don't forget later.
  • Went home from graduation.
  • Went to Cabramatta with Chloe to pick up the corsage for my date(Katie).
  • Went home, met Pavan(is that even  how you spell it?) on the way. He gave me a few small pointers.
  • Spend the day deciding which shirt to wear.
  • Got picked up by Shaw and almost forgot the corsage.
  • Made a tweet. 'Everything is so much cooler in a tuxedo.'
  • Talked a bit with the boys(Kevin, Shaw and Raymond) and our ride was delayed but in the end we made it in time.
  • Arrived before Katie.
  • Asked the guys how I should I give the gift to my date.
  • Took a bunch of photos and walked up with Katie, escorted to her table.
  • A bunch of speeches
  • FOOD!!
  • Got the first slow dance :D then SMOKE MACHINE!!!
  • More people went onto the dance floor and start dancing. I left Katie to get my mates to dance.
  • The rest of the night kind of became a blur.
  • All I remember was I was dancing/b-boying.
  • Spent some time downstairs inside to get fresh air.
  • Dance
  • Dance
  • Dance
  •  "It's not what it looks like, I sat down and the girls gravitated towards me." < LOLOLOL I won't forget that.
  • Around 20 minutes before the end, Matthew and I went in for the last 20 minutes of meeting together as a school year while still in school. Ever.
  • By the end of the night we said our byes and everyone started becoming sad.
  • More photos.
  • In the car with the boys, we sang songs e.g. Billionaire by Travie McCoy.
Overall, it was a great night. As mentioned above, I should have spent more time with Katie rather than do my own thing.

Wednesday, September 19, 2012


Today was the picnic. I don't have much to say, but it was fun. The day started with me coming to school just as the bell was about to go. After roll call, we packed our things and headed towards the picnic place(will edit this later).

In order, the events happened like this
  1. Saw Hussien's facepaint, looked so real.
  2. helped ms baker pack food onto the bus.
  3. went on the bus and talked with Daniel and Andrey
  4. Arrived
  5. Put our things down and teachers allowed us to do whatever.
  6. Went off to the park and played on the string trampoline
  7. went to go on this glider thing-o (don't know what it's called)
  8. Explored some more and climbed onto the mountain
  9. met some people up there. then went back down.
  10. ran around, drew on demartin's present.
  11. Played badminton
  12. Sat around, played with people.
  13. Went around again and eventually had lunch
  14. After lunch, we played jenga for one or two games. I ran around some more.
  15. I managed to get a few people to climb up the hill again.
  16. On the hill we took a few group photos. Unfortunately not everyone was in it.
  17. I took 2 photos with two different groups.
  18. The rest of the time i was bboying and talking to the girls. since my guy friends dogged me.(then again, i felt so bad for not convincing hussien to take a photo)
  19. I got a back massage :D! Yes, i know i sound lame but i rarely get one.
  20. Went down to get david to prepare some water balloons.
  21. While we were preparing, sally stole all our balloons. WHILE WE WERE IN THE BOYS TOLIETS.
  22. After there was a grand water fight with bottles and water balloons.
  23. Then I asked Katie to the formal. <- now I have to go pick up some flowers for her and arrive before her.
 All in all, it was a pretty fun day. Here are a few photos I took on the hill. I don't have more because i didn't take a lot of photos. If you know me in real life, you should know what I look like already.

I wouldn't want to end it any other way.

Today is the official in-class lessons we will ever have. First period was art, we had a morning tea with food from all over the world(only three types). Second period, we just sat around and talked in Biology. The awkward moment happened at the very end, when we had to keep Ms Whittle in. A few people, Nam, Helen, Mimi and others asked our teacher random questions just to keep her in for a surprise gift. Of course our teacher ended in tears(sort of) because of shock.

<insert some pictures here if i can find any>

We had recess. To be honest it was kind of sad talking in those 20 minutes and realising that the people that I regularly talk to may not be talked to forever, perhaps. After was English, once again, we sat around talking about the not-to-distant future i.e. formal. It was fun to sit back and relax. Once again, the bell rang and that depressing mood came over me, knowing this is the last ever lesson for English. In our final class, IPT, we played slender and took some photos. We had some people come into the class room, Saryna, Selina, and Sally. Andrey and I managed to convince them to play Slender. We only managed to record a small amount due to someone calling midway through the recording. In the process, Winnie also was scared. The only way I could describe our reaction to her reaction was 'LOL!'

The highlight of the day was volleyball. Somehow, a few year 12s managed to convince Mr Jones into lending us a ball. We played until the end of lunch, and well left knowing that it will be our last.

Was going to post this at 2am but...it will have to happen tomorrow.

Will re-edit this.

Monday, September 17, 2012

Let's end this with a BANG!

I know I haven't been posting anything lately, but there has been literally nothing interesting in my life. This one of my many posts throughout my final days of school. This week has started off on a low note. I WILL NOT KEEP IT LIKE THIS, I SWEAR! I WILL END IT WITH A BANG! 3 more days and then no one in Year 12 will be able to see each other on a regular basis. Over the course of 4 days(including today), I will be posting several important blog posts about high school.

High school DOES change you. Don't ever forget that. You form relationships, friendships, heck, even family. These guys and girls will always be in your memory, regardless of what you go through. I'm sorry I don't have pictures. TAKE PICTURES! YOU WILL NOT REGRET TAKING THEM. I ASSURE YOU.   You will meet friends who will be there for you, when you're down, when you're up in the sky. I want anyone who reads this to know that high school is going to be missed, regardless of what you feel about it now.
I WILL miss my friends, classmates, and teachers. They have taught me so much, been there for me through my toughest of times. I swear, I will keep in contact with those who are important to me. There is so much regret due to not doing everything

On a brighter note, the last few weeks have been, as what most people would call it, hectic. Monday-Thursday was relatively standard. Friday was our 50 years celebration. It was fun, too bad I was helping David Nguyen of Year 11 finish his artwork. Oh well, it was worth it.

Saturday I came to school dressed like a leb -- yes, a leb. It was embarrassing as f---.  Oh well. YOLO! Monday finished relatively quickly, didn't want to end it any other way. Although, I will tie any loose ends before I leave.

I will miss my friends and close bonds I've made over the years that I've been here.

Every journey must reach a destination. These journeys can be physical, inner, or imaginative. Unfortunately, this journey has reached its destination and as a result, we must push onto our Post-HSC life.

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Insanity is your mind's last stand before you are able to control it.

Before, I was going through a state of insanity. This was over a year ago. I tried and tried, but I couldn't find out what insanity was. I found quotes and whatnot, but there was nothing to help me recover. After holding out and not giving into insanity, I became a sane person again. Why? I didn't give up; I controlled myself and didn't give into the insanity. Insanity isn't because you've given up, or because you've gotten sick of your surroundings, or even lost control. It's because you started gaining control of your mind and your mind started losing control of you. Your mind wants to be a master to you, not your slave. It is when YOU, not your mind, have control of yourself that you start to feel insanity attempting to control your mind.

They say you learn the most when you're at your weakest point. I beg to differ; you learn more when you observe why you were so weak in the first place

I made this post today because I saw  a video, about 30 minutes ago, about Instant concentration. This made me think about how much of my mind I was actually controlling. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-3APQNz5k14 is the video. I think everyone can benefit from this, as long as they don't forget it.

Tuesday, July 24, 2012


IT'S SO CLEAR ALL OF A SUDDEN. I had forgotten how or why i even studied so effectively. It all came down to the style of music; it had nothing to do with the genre. The music that works most effective for me are ones that have piano keys being banged at a set tempo and have a nice flow. It's so vivid.

I, for once, know what I need to do in order to maintain my study vibe.
- Never miss a beat, ever.

Saturday, July 7, 2012

Friday, July 6, 2012

Message to future me from 7th of March 2012

You didn't go through all this shitty suffering for nothing. GO DO SOMETHING WITH YOUR LIFE! STOP WASTING IT! You should know that better days are here! DON'T FUCKING EVER GO BACK TO THOSE OLD HABITS!

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Personal Favourites

Saddest movie I've seen: Hachiko: A dog's tale
Saddest death of a character: KAMINA!!! WHY!! T_T BRING HIM BACK TO LIFE DAMN IT!!
Best anime: Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann
Best movie(Past): Transformers
Best childhood movie reliever: Toy story 3
Best movie (Present): Avengers!

Monday, May 14, 2012

Questions! Questions! More Questions!

Recently, I've learnt a new technique of learning. Rather than just trying to absorb the information given to me and attempting to apply it, I should ask questions. Yes it seems stupid and obvious but, considering the situation I'm in now, I really need to realise this with my real eyes(like my pun?).

Choose your words

I tend to use words that don't make me sound smart or refined. An example is "I'm cheap" rather than
"It's efficient," see the difference? One obviously sounds more like a slob and will probably lower your social value in society, and the other will make it seem like you know how to use your resources. I want there to be a piece of technology that can allow someone to search for synonyms of a word and their meanings. Yes, I know there is a website based of this, but the words themselves don't sound smart.

Choice of words matter. That's why I chose my words 80% of the time before I even say anything.

Monday, April 23, 2012

Somebody, please punch me in the face.

I honestly need to wake up and start working my ass off here! I CAN'T KEEP GOING ON LIKE THIS!

Saturday, March 24, 2012

I need someone to remind me

of all the important things. Like getting decent marks to get me a good job, or how important it is to maintain a good sleeping habit.

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Applying everything in a game format

I stopped playing a lot of games, but i have been able to learn something from all my years of gaming. It is that; with practice, you can achieve anything, you have to learn from someone who is focuses on that particular topic -- you will get more out of it, and you will have to perfect the previous job before moving onto the next.

Poorly edited but it's 2am here.

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

A message to anyone feeling weak: Stand strong.

Something i'm starting to forget to do.

A message to future me:
You didn't go through all this shitty suffering for nothing. GO DO SOMETHING WITH YOUR LIFE! STOP WASTING IT! You should know that better days are here! DON'T FUCKING EVER GO BACK TO THOSE OLD HABITS!

I'll schedule a post in 8 months and 3 days from now. I hope i do change.

I swore to myself I'm not going back there. I refuse to!

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

I won't fall behind...I swear.

Lately, i feel like all my friends are beating me in all the aspects i was suppose to be good at. I feel like i need to work on it, i know i suck at bboying and making friends and whatnot. Honestly, i don't even know why i don't do it. What do i fear? Bleh >< sorry for not posting for a while, i kinda didn't know what to blog about, and sorry for the first proper post in 1(?) month being so depressing.

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Fucking pissing me off!!

Why is it that family tells you off for the littlest of things? Fair enough, I didn't suffer war or whatever, but I spend my time trying to get good grades so Ican make your lives better in the future. When I say I can't think of it, or i wasn't paying attention, then get the idea. I DIDN'T FUCKING PREPARE A DAMN RESPONSE! I don't think past 2 am when my attention is diverted into other things such as studying or gaming. I fucking only sleep this late because i have 1/4 of my days(not including the time i spend sleeping) being told off by a family member. FUCKING PISSES ME OFF, EVEN WHEN I'M DOING THE RIGHT THINGS =.=. I can agree if i am gaming on a school day, but come on 5-10 FUCKING MINUTES WON'T KILL ANYONE! Tch, now I'm wasting more time blogging when i could be in bed by now(or at least brushing my teeth).


Bloody hell. My life has been going down hill ever since i lost my wallet. I honestly need to find it soon, or at least hope that someone will return it.

Sorry guys for not posting anything for a while. It's just i don't have anything to post about.

Sunday, January 22, 2012

My brain = Biggest troll

Ahh well, I guess it's self karma. Basically for the past few days I've been having dreams of being in a relationship == BLAH sucks when you're single and your brain is trolling you.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012


Just now, i decided to think about my future. I know i am forced to have more responsibility than the average man. Reason: i am going to be a heir of my dad's side of the family. Yes it may not sound like much work, but i have to support them through money, bonding and the occasional family fights. Lucky for me, my dad has the role right now, so i am safe for now. However, that isn't always going to be the case. I don't know if i will ever be able to rise to the occasion and support my extended family. But still, even though i know this will happen, i can't help but think about what i will be able to do. I'm just not ready for responsibilities yet.

Friday, January 6, 2012

Man i should start learning freerunning properly

Yeah, okay i free run like a noob and that's why i want to improve properly. I found out that my style of learning involves variations not the proper... soo this might get a little hard.