Thursday, January 27, 2011

Episode #1 - The young boy who lives in darkness

There once was a boy named Tommy. He was probably one of the most optimistic person anyone would ever meet(after a while that is) but one day something brought him down. No one knew what it was. Even he didn't know. So he started to act differently.

Yeh cheezy I know LOL uhh kk soo this blog is about me becoming emo? for no apparent reason (yeh weird i know o-o)

yeh well this is a story that i will probably never finish... the moral is that things can change in an instant.. enjoy every moment possible... because once things change... yeh... you wont like it

EDIT: this was my third ever post. I just fixed the punctuation.

Friday, January 14, 2011

Filler #1

Okay first things first
I'm going to start posting stuff in things like Episode #1 - (insert cheesy title here)

Now onto the not so important stuff
Well just another day of life for a LawLies... except something has being bringing me down and well :/ yeah im not too sure what it is.. now i know your probably sitting in your computer chair going... "Man this guy == just deal with your problem and get it over with" or something like that

yeh well I am... o-o turning out pretty well too... unfortunately I can't figure out the source or i would of had this problem solved ages ago... anyways I'm just trying to get some stress off my head by typing it up and storing it somewhere else.. since i don't use papers

Random Fact
It took me almost 1 month before I finished this blog.. LOL i know soo long D:
it started on the 27th of December...( anyone?)

well this blog is well going to go nowhere (like the last two blogs)

Saturday, January 1, 2011

The double and reverse of 3

WARNING THIS BLOG DOES NOT HAVE A FLOW WHATSOEVER AND ALSO ITS GOING TO BE GAY AS HELL!! and yeah I realise that I've repeated most of the words. Please forgive me for my grammatical mistakes. I was never pro at English

This is my life story. Read on if you're bothered.

If you've figured out what the title means then you are a smart person(not academic wise) or you're just creative. Well if you haven't figured it out yet then the answer is 8 o-o.

If your wondering to yourself "HOW THE FUCK DOES THAT WORK!?!?!"
then get two peices of paper draw two similar 3s on it and put it in the sun and make the 3s look like an 8, then flip it around.

What's the meaning of the title?
Simple the 8 is suppose to stand for 2008(probably no one would of thought of that) and since the reverse of 8 looks the same no one would notice. Okay, that explains the title and time now to explain the story

So when i was little, about 3 years and 2 days and almost 1 hour back, I met a guy named Shaw. He pretty much changed my life around. I used to be what people would call frigit(however its spelled) and shy(not to say I'm not a frigit and shy any more). After I met this guy i was still shy. I met most of his friends and before you knew it I became a dick head. After a while i kinda realised it so i started to not become a dick head. Then a met this guy named Johnny. We became good friends and he taught me a lot more about life and it changed my life even more. I was still scared like shit but you know, an improvement is an improvement. I felt comfortable around close friends but not newly met friends.

Even though i didn't change much it felt like a massive change because I finally had a group to belong to (even though I had a group to belong to when I was in 2007). BUT! The point is I finally felt welcome(I know i sound really gay atm) and no one even knew about it. Obviously because i hate talking about my past. After a while i met this girl named Cindy. I acted hypo around her and her friends because i was shy around girls >.>. I never knew why, but i guess it's normal for some guys.

I eventually met some of her friends and well they changed everything again.I became even more social, I met new people who made me feel like I was a person again. This was another life changing point in my life. Reason? Well, I used to be the guy who loved his games and nothing else mattered(reason being i had nothing else that would matter. Everyone saw me as another creepy person who just was scary. Games were like a drug to me and it still is o-o). Any ways from that point on I had a proper goal in life; to become social; having this goal helped me be where I am today(even though I had the same goal before).

Okay onto 2010 since 2009 wasn't as interesting as 2010.
When it was 2010 I became even more shy after i got dumped. I got scared of people and didn't know what to do in social situations and almost lost my mind twenty times or more(This is true btw o-o. But I regained my mind closer to the end of the year. YAY!!(Edit 18/12/2011:I am sane again but that is because I've been through the hardships of it.)). I'm guessing it was because of the catholic Sunday school saying to me "exorcism was possible" and all. Since I'm really gullible the mentality of it all must have gotten to me. BUT I KNOW EXORCISMS ARE REAL!! OKAY!!(Farh now I'm scared since I'm typing this up at 2:00am). Okay continuing on. After a while i finally asked for help on how to make friends (It took me 15 years but I had finally decided to do it).

After I asked for help, some of my friends LOL'd at me, while others actually decided to help. I realised that i needed help because I started to go to an old tutor and Sunday school. Throughout the year I had trouble with social issues; which made it kinda hard to focus throughout the year. I endured many hardships and embarrassing moments. However, in the end, I met a few really nice people and they helped me to start being talkative again(yay!). Close to the end of the year i figured out how to make friends, due to having 3 days out in the field.

About halfway during the year I met more people. This time they were old friends, they may not realise it but they made me learn new things such as: how to make conversations alive (even though i learnt that through practice). They made me one of the happiest guys in the world because they invited me to their outings and stuff(even more than before).

By the end of those three years I'm still shy.I sort of can't make friends still, can't do things for myself, but judging by how much I've changed in 2008-2010, I think I can do an even better job in 2011.
Oh, also during these three years, every time I met someone that reminded me of myself, i always tried to help them, just so they don't make the same mistakes like me >.>. Yet it never seems to amaze me to see how many people are like this. SO IF YOUR READING THIS YOU SHOULD DO THE SAME!

Moral: The point of the title being 'The double and reverse of 3' is because: 8 doesn't look much different when it's flipped. However, only a few will pick it up e.g. the person who flipped it.

A message from me to you: The change is possible for anyone. While I changed no one probably noticed and I was probably another human with a life changing story, along with the other 6.8 billion humans in this world.

Random Quote
While the world isn't noticing you, you're noticing yourself and that's all that should matter. You don't need to be seen for you to look good, you just need to believe in yourself and anything is possible.(Yes even flying without wings. It's something called jumping)
-source LawLies

Okay although this post is like LONG AS!! I need to add one more thing before I finish this off. Before those three epic years started, I was nothing more than a shy guy who was afraid of change. After changing heaps I realised that changing isn't all that bad, as long as it's for the good.

Shit happens you can't stop a river from flowing soo don't try. Let it change, you might see a better world or future. Also, you should never focus on the bad of the world, always focus on what's good. Generally speaking, there is more good than bad in this world if you can focus past the bad things.

Yeah so, I didn't know where to add this into the post but i wanted to add it somewhere so yeah.
This is more of a shout out.
Every year i met a lot of important people
Starting from yr 8, it was Shaw and Johnny. In yr 9 was Kevin(even though i met him in 2008), Cindy, and Ellen. In yr 10 was Mimi and Tiffanie.

Went through this post to fix any grammatical errors. I got better at English. MAN I FAILED SO MUCH(GRAMMATICALLY). I skipped a few hads here and there because I don't have much time to edit this.