Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Life +1

Well since this is a new blog i'm not planning to do alot..

well as you can see by the blog title this blog is pretty much going to be about my typical life ... i know it may be really boring to most people but yeh(and i know that probably no one would find this), well k this blog isnt about some big rich dude releasing a new device that can save the world but if your intrested in my life then read on :]

Recently there has been alot of stress in my life, Why? well fine sir/madam it is because of the sc(school certificate), yeh i figured i was suppose to be studying... well as you can see(probably not) i got lazy... and i've been attempting to study for weeks now....

now just to clear things up i DO care about the sc(although my mates are like " naw don't bother, its just the sc..."), and yeh i realise it doesn't seem like it because im blogging when im suppose to be studying... but meh...

anyways for some people out there that are like me, we are full stressing ;-;... and well we end up failing anyways, i have a two really stressing peices of hw which is suppose to be due tomorrow and well its realy taking a toll on me..

and that's the typical life of a LawLies(crap ending i know)

now if you ever somehow find this and find it intresting.... STALKERR!!! D: