Monday, December 27, 2010

tomorrow is a new day with challanges so lets face the current challanges today :)

Today is like any other typical day... however the difference of today and yesterday is that it suddenly rained out of nowhere and it became extremely cold. At first i found this very weird because i was like to myself "if it rains then this person will something" (of course i wont post what i fully said here). It only seemed weird to me because well come on... its been sunny for almost a week now... and out of nowhere it rains.

Well this next part you can skip if u want too since this will be about MapleStory.
Oh also if anyone finds this because they googled 'Server check screen Maplestory appeared even though there wasn't a server check" then you may find what your looking for in this section

Okay soo today at around mid-day i woke up and tried to get MapleStory to work (since it hasn't been working for 3 days now).. i tired for around a total of 7-8 hours(obviously with breaks), my MapleStory client kept saying there was a server check (even though there wasn't).. took me 2 hours then i gave up after a while... at first i thought it had something to do with my computer... soo all i did was play around with my firewall and then restarted my net soo many times... :/.

k soo for the people who want to fix their maplestory and found my blog by chance you do it like this.... it either 1) because of your etheral adapter or 2)your internet code expired
if its because of number 1 then all you gotta do is fix it by going into the network and changing your ip(or setting your ip detection to automatic) if its number 2 then you have to call your internet provider and try to get it fixed
HOWEVER!! this may not be the case for everyone soo please don't blame me if it doesnt work for you

Alrighty now onto something completley different for all you maplestory fans out there with that problem thats the end of that part

okay soo even though i don't blog much it doesnt mean i don't blog... kk my blog is basically about my boring life and everytime i blog its either something intresting has happned(which is soo unlikeley) OR im just bored to death with nothing else to do.

basically this blog today had nothing to do with anything and i just felt like typing random stuff onto the net to make it abit bigger (about 50kbs bigger).

oh just for you stalkers out there i do have a crush on someone just no one knows :] only one person knows who it is and its not the person who i have a crush on :], oh btw when i say one person i meant one person who knows the name of the person the other people I've told I've been like "i like her =/"

If anyone if can find this blog spam 'cowlikesheep blog' on my msn :D you will get something special :] oh btw this is only if u find it by the end of 2011 :]

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Life +1

Well since this is a new blog i'm not planning to do alot..

well as you can see by the blog title this blog is pretty much going to be about my typical life ... i know it may be really boring to most people but yeh(and i know that probably no one would find this), well k this blog isnt about some big rich dude releasing a new device that can save the world but if your intrested in my life then read on :]

Recently there has been alot of stress in my life, Why? well fine sir/madam it is because of the sc(school certificate), yeh i figured i was suppose to be studying... well as you can see(probably not) i got lazy... and i've been attempting to study for weeks now....

now just to clear things up i DO care about the sc(although my mates are like " naw don't bother, its just the sc..."), and yeh i realise it doesn't seem like it because im blogging when im suppose to be studying... but meh...

anyways for some people out there that are like me, we are full stressing ;-;... and well we end up failing anyways, i have a two really stressing peices of hw which is suppose to be due tomorrow and well its realy taking a toll on me..

and that's the typical life of a LawLies(crap ending i know)

now if you ever somehow find this and find it intresting.... STALKERR!!! D: