Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Day 2: Describe 3 legitimate fears you have and explain how they became fears

I'm actually blogging this at library right now, since my internet died out. That dedication right?

Onto the post, So I have some pretty irrational fears, and some rational ones. I've dealt with most of my fears, except a few. My funniest/strangest fear is that I fear wet hair in the bathroom, or dry hair anywhere else. When I see wet hair, or even dry hair on the floor, I become angst for no known reason. Heck, I can't even clear out the hair from the vacuum cleaner. I'm not sure why, but it's true. How it developed... That's a hard question for this fear. I guess it started at a young age, it naturally developed for some apparent reason. I'm thinking it has something to do with it being dirty, and I don't particularly like to get myself dirty.

Next in line,is my fear of other people I care about dying. It's self explanatory. You don't want someone to die before you do. Let's be honest here, most of us don't want this either. It developed during my time of mass existential crisis, and anxiety attacks. Yay, uni! I had a realisation that I wouldn't care if I died, but if someone else I cared about died, that would be a different story. I've had several dreams about this, and one time I even woke up crying. Manly, right? It kind of stemmed from my dog dying at a young age. That was one dark day for me. I was in tears that day. Wanted to be left alone, and I was actually glad that people were there for me when it happened.

My third fear is isn't really a fear, it's more of a worry, but I don't think I have any more major fears. Anyway, my third worry is that I'll stay the same for an extended period of my life. I've had a friend tell me he likes me because I'm the only person who hasn't changed during the time that they've known me. Honestly, this would normally be a compliment, but I actually took it to heart and realised that I have to change. Since, that's what life is about.

Anyways, Library is closing. I might elaborate on this later.

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