Thursday, April 17, 2014

Day 11: 10 pet peeves

Wow. I've skipped a whole week of this post. Sorry about that. I got caught up on some things.

  1. BIGGEST ONE: People who get offended when I tell them the truth about them. Like honestly, it's true. If you're so pissy about it, you have to change it.
  2. People who won't shut the fuck up. I'll listen if I ask you. If I don't ask, don't fucking tell me about it. It's fine if you want to tell me something, just listen to the social cues.
  3. When people are nosy.
  4. Condescending people.
  5. Hypocritical people.
  6. People who invade your privacy.
  7. People who won't be mature about situations that require them to be mature(kind of hypocritical for me to say that).
  8. People who can't take jokes.
  9. People who assume stuff, when it's not true.
  10. Cheesers. Play the game properly, bro. (Starcraft 2)
Short post. I have 7 more of these to catch up on.

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