Sunday, March 30, 2014


Mimi, if you see this... ahaha sorry. Haven't seen your blog in a while so decided to read up on it. Now I'm doing this.

2017 Tommy Edit: I am adding in "2017 Edit for any new information/commentary, or more accurate descriptions"

0: Height
Last time I checked, 171-172 cm.
2017 Edit:  172 cm.

 1: Virgin?

2017 Edit: Still Yes. I'm saving it for marriage to clarify.

 2: Shoe size

2017 Edit: UK: Size 9; USA: Size 10

 3: Do you smoke?

 4: Do you drink?
I started to recently.

 5: Do you take drugs?
What's your definition of drugs? I take drugs, not illegally of course.

2017 Edit: No illicit drugs. Seriously wtf... at 2014 Tommy. Stop trying to be a smartass.

 6: Age you get mistaken for
Yes. Way too often for being a guy.

 7: Have tattoos?

 8: Want any tattoos?
Nope. Too permanent for me.

2017 Edit: My opinions have changed. If I ever do get one, it would be 3 dots located on the inner part of my upper arm(humerus).

 9: Got any piercings?
 Had, ears.

 10: Want any piercings?
YES! Eyebrows, but it probably won't suit me.

 11: Best friend?
I don't have best friends anymore, just close ones. Right now, it's David.D, Vincent, and this new guy I met named Keven.

2017 Edit: Still true. Most of my close friends have distanced themselves from me.

 12: Relationship status

2017 Edit: I lol'd at this one. Still very true. Though there are other steps which I need to take to change this (personal things).

 13: Biggest turn ons
So many to list. Girls who treat people nicely regardless of how they're feeling. There's more but I'll just list that one.

2017 Edit: Pretty/Cute girls. Yes I am shallow. Fucking deal with it. It says turn ons, not girl would you spend the rest of your life with.

 14: Biggest turn offs
Ignorant people. People who value their ego, and/or pride over the truth or what's right.

2017 edit: I see this in myself. I used to, and still do, value my ego. It's something that kept me thinking I was right all the time(or at the very least blinded me from the truth).

 15: Favorite movie
Hachiko. That was one sad movie.

 16: I’ll love you if
  Challenge me, mentally.

2017 Edit: I don't even know anymore. I just want someone to mother me... but that needs to change so I become more of a man.

 17: Someone you miss
I actually miss a bunch of people. Jessica, Who I considered my closest friend in year 1. Anyone in the FruityMuffins guild a.k.a. the best Australian guild i've had in any game. John, probably the first cool guy I met online. To list a few.

2017 Edit: This still remains true, though I somewhat have forgotten about this over the years.

 18: Most traumatic experience
When that guy grabbed my ass in Vietnam.

2017 Edit: Still VERY true (I am giggling as of writing this).

 19: A fact about your personality
I've become more negative.
2017 Edit: Can confirm, but not in the way you'd expect. A lot more light has been shed on society's growth because of this.

 20: What I hate most about myself
Lack of confidence. Something more original? Uhhhh I don't try much in life.

2017 Edit: Something even more original ? I can't really list since everyone's problems are fairly common. Here's one anyways: I lie a lot.

 21: What I love most about myself
Almost everything else. Yeah I'm pretty stuck up in that sense.

2017 Edit: Still very true. LOL. To clarify though. This is inner confidence, outer confidence could use some work.

 22: What I want to be when I get older
I.T. most likely. Nfi what else I'd be interested in.

2017 Edit: Yup. Still Information Technology. It's just going to help in the future. I know there are other fields that help but still...

 23: My relationship with my sibling(s)
Family I live with under the same roof = Horrible. Family outside that = Awesome.

2017 Edit: Eh... I take back what i said. Family I live with will always be my family. Outside family will change, even if they were strong relationships. I cannot speak for other people and their blood family though since some/most have it worse than me.

 24: My relationship with my parent(s)
Poor. Don't think it's improving any time soon.

2017 Edit: Oh yeah... still no improvement.

 25: My idea of a perfect date
Park and talk for hours on end, or sit somewhere where there's no one else and talk.

2017 Edit: Honeslty that just sounds boring. My 2014 self was very into making things sound more romaintic (I can't think of the word on the top of my head).

 26: My biggest pet peeves
The one where people comment on stuff in my life that has nothing to do with them/that they have no right to like just go away. < - I'm going to copy that, Mimi.

2017 Edit: Not much really bothers me anymore, but it's still a pretty important concept. Try not to bud into other people's business unless it's actually hurting someone.
 27: A description of the girl/boy I like
Hmmm... this is tricky. Yup. I got nothing. A girl I crushed on in uni at one point looked like she'd always stay up until 3am.

2017 Edit: Oh yeah I remember that.. ahah. she was probably 22-25? when I was 19. I still remember her as being very pretty.

 28: A description of the person I dislike the most
Annoying to say the least.

2017 Edit: Backstabbers, people who have no spine to make their own decisions, and rely on other people to make their opinions. Sort of like me I guess.

 29: A reason I’ve lied to a friend
For the fun of it.

2017 Edit: No seriously... I've done this before and quite frequently too. People have caught onto my bullshit though and it has become less fun. It's a problem and I need to fix it.

 30: What I hate the most about work/school
The whole freaking system.

2017 Edit: I still do, but who can blame them, there's no better system in place. Online learning or learning through experience is pretty fun though.

 31: What your last text message says
Sister to me: Stop practising I'm sleeping

2017 Edit: Excluding computer generated messages, Friend to me: "Ok"

 32: What words upset me the most
Enemy to best-friend in primary school(about me): "He's just using you."

2017 Edit: I actually forgot what this was about. I guess this will just be a deep wound that will permanently affect my psychology.

 33: What words make me feel the best about myself

2017 Edit: I don't know anymore. Nothing seems to make me feel good.

 34: What I find attractive in women
Their ability to talk shit back, and if they're down to do everything.

2017 Edit: Oh yeah.. still completely true. Funny story. Someone actually asked me about this, and I said the same thing in 2016 (2 years after making this post initially).

 35: What I find attractive in men
Them bodies, and their sense of style. That sounded gay.

2017 Edit: Still true. THOSE FUCKING ABS MAN...

 36: Where I would like to live
Somewhere small, but not too small. Anything like a village.

2017 Edit: Don't know anymore. Maybe I'll revisit this idea some day.

 37: One of my insecurities
Lack of Confidence. Unoriginal, but whatever.

 38: My childhood career choice
Game designer.

 39: My favorite ice cream flavor
Does Oreo flavour count? If not, then cookies and cream.

 40: Who wish I could be
The guy I met at my tutor once who became a millionaire by the age of 20. Mainly because he changed from being shy to confident.

 41: Where I want to be right now
In a car or beach with my mates.

2017 Edit:  By myself, and just improving my life. Friends can wait.

 42: The last thing I ate
Rice and meat.

2017 Edit: Pho

 43: Sexiest person that comes to my mind immediately
This girl , or Joseph Gordon Levitt. Man I love his style.

2017 Edit: Still true... but maybe not the sexist anymore

 44: A random fact about anything
You can see Mars sometimes when you're in Burwood.

2017 Edit: Learning how things are made from scratch and the behind of scene of everything is one of the most beautiful things you can discover. It just has so much genius behind it. Even simple things.

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