Saturday, December 14, 2013

Hate and Growth

First off, the title is misleading. This usually is associated with "Hate fuels growth." This isn't the case with this particular post. So onto the real post.

In the past, I used to hate mainstream song, because other people hated it. I guess I was a sheep. I started liking some mainstream songs again, realising that I actually like some of them. Though I don't listen to them much, for the reason of not supporting massive companies. Here's how I realised. Everyone remember the song Friday? The song that everyone hates? Yeah. That one. I hated it too. Gosh that was bad. I still dislike it but I just kind of ignore it now, since it doesn't really affect me in any way. Also, If I don't like the song, i'm not obliged to listen to it. Well... She released a new song called Saturday. Now don't think this was an unoriginal song. It was funny as hell if you got most of/all the jokes. This new song was to mock the song Friday. Many people did not understand this. Roughly 40% if you looked at the dislike bar, and quite a number of people if you read the comments.

That dislike bar says a lot about people. Most of them actually came from Friday(For future readers, Friday was released about 2 years ago when she released Saturday). However, on the flip side, you can see about 60% of people actually have brains, and understand the jokes.

Anyways, I got off track there. So basically, after realising that I had a hate that was cultured from society, I stopped hating and grew. I started thinking for myself a bit more. It was a lot more difficult to how I made it sound in this post, but that's the general idea. So I guess my message to you is to  have your own brain and don't follow bandwagons. I can think of other bandwagons too. Think of Amanda Todd. She died because of bullying. There was an uproar about her. A lot of other people have suicided due to bullying as well. Did they get the attention they need? No. Will bullying stop? No. Obviously I can keep on going to things like deaths in Africa due to starvation/malnutrition, but i'm not going to.

My point is, don't follow bandwagons or ideas because they are popular and you just want to follow the crowd. Follow an idea or a reason based on your beliefs. If you currently don't have any, like I did, just take a few moments -- whether minutes, or hours, or even days -- to think about whether you want to follow this idea. Even if that idea might be a bandwagon. Learn from your hate and mistakes, and take them as a lesson for future usage. Well... this took a dark turn.

Yeah. Still sort of working on my grammar. Sort of.

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