Friday, June 24, 2011

So today

Well technically yesterday but yeah on the 24th of June 2011 is what I meant. I was at livo by myself today and i gotta say... BIGGEST FAIL OUT(well besides the Para one).

K so heres the events that happed in order
- I was going home from school... i wanted to go fairfield but i forgot and got off at my station because I was too caught up with talking to my friends and checking out the girls on the train < First fail
-  Then i went home to get money(lucky I did otherwise i wouldn't have had enough money for the train ticket< which is mentioned later)
- I went to the station saw some cute girls and waited for the train < that was probably the only good bit about this jaunt.
- When I arrived at livo i saw this Asian transit officer watching the gates and so I asked her if I could go through, I showed her my bus pass(which normally works) and she said no... and so I had to make up a lie about not knowing about it etc...< Second fail
- So i decided to go back to fairfield... but on the way there i thought to myself.. "Hey... wouldn't it make more sense to stop at warrick farm and then buying a ticket there..." and so i did.
- After buying the ticket which happend to be a waste of $2.20(btw this is alot when you're broke), i went to EB games and bought what I needed to buy and well around that time it was alright.
- Now, on the train back was the highlight of my day. Okay so, I was on the train wondering how people react like if I said to them "Hi, have a nice day" randomly.. < This is where my third fail happened

It took me a while to get the balls to do it, but i eventaully got the balls to do it to this random lady(she was the only one on the carriage so that made it 29831029382109x more easier). Also before you guys/girls/transexuals make any assumptions, I was doing this to test the psychological mind, and also because i was inspired by my friend who had the confidence to do EVERYTHING that I couldn't, and to build some confidence(the wrong way!).

Okay back to the story.. at first when i tried she didn't notice, so I tried again and gave her a little wave and she saw...and her reply was "yes," and after that i walked off. So when i walked off i bet she thought that i was a weirdo (which i am partially... actually to be honest I'm mostly a werido... but of my insanity which I am failing to control< age... == always makes things 100x harder).

BTW that classifies as a third fail because I didn't exactly say it in the correct tone.. I think I was too quiet or something.

Okay cheers to whoever reads this :).

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