Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Long time no blog.

So recently, I finally finsihed the basic development stage of my program. Link to the page below. Instructions and everything is also on there, if you have any issues, leave a comment here. I'll reply to it within one month max.


Tuesday, January 7, 2014


Once again, I am writing this at 4am. I think I need to remove this habit.

Today I realised I had a problem. I was doing nothing with my life. How I realised this was simple. I once applied for an internship at a company. In my opinion, it went really well. The problem with what happened is that I did not follow it up yet. It has been over 1 month and I didn't email them back about what kind of position I would want. Now, I know some of you guys would be thinking "Omg! What the hell man ??!?! Work for yourself! Take risks, challenge yourself, etc." I would normally agree with you, but honestly, with the lack of experience that I have, I don't think taking risks is appropriate at this stage in my life. I just don't have the knowledge to talk to people. To convince them to do things. I know the best way to do this is to just try to lead a team. However, the team itself needs to be willing to stick with you to the end. Off topic, but I am a really indecisive person.

I guess what I'm trying to say is that, I lack the followup. I can start something so well, but once it hits mid-game, i stop. Not bothering to improve any further. I'm not sure if it's me thinking: "I shouldn't be wasting my time with this. I should be doing something to improve my job aspects."

At least I have overcome my gaming addiction/compulsion. The last time I played a game for 8 hours straight was last year.

Side note: I fucking hate this laptop :/. No secondary/right mouse click button(right click exists, but it's so hard to use) and the touch pad is just painful to use. This laptop copies Macs too much. I'll give you guys the model name tomorrow when I check the box. Edit: Laptop was a HP Envy