Wednesday, September 19, 2012


Today was the picnic. I don't have much to say, but it was fun. The day started with me coming to school just as the bell was about to go. After roll call, we packed our things and headed towards the picnic place(will edit this later).

In order, the events happened like this
  1. Saw Hussien's facepaint, looked so real.
  2. helped ms baker pack food onto the bus.
  3. went on the bus and talked with Daniel and Andrey
  4. Arrived
  5. Put our things down and teachers allowed us to do whatever.
  6. Went off to the park and played on the string trampoline
  7. went to go on this glider thing-o (don't know what it's called)
  8. Explored some more and climbed onto the mountain
  9. met some people up there. then went back down.
  10. ran around, drew on demartin's present.
  11. Played badminton
  12. Sat around, played with people.
  13. Went around again and eventually had lunch
  14. After lunch, we played jenga for one or two games. I ran around some more.
  15. I managed to get a few people to climb up the hill again.
  16. On the hill we took a few group photos. Unfortunately not everyone was in it.
  17. I took 2 photos with two different groups.
  18. The rest of the time i was bboying and talking to the girls. since my guy friends dogged me.(then again, i felt so bad for not convincing hussien to take a photo)
  19. I got a back massage :D! Yes, i know i sound lame but i rarely get one.
  20. Went down to get david to prepare some water balloons.
  21. While we were preparing, sally stole all our balloons. WHILE WE WERE IN THE BOYS TOLIETS.
  22. After there was a grand water fight with bottles and water balloons.
  23. Then I asked Katie to the formal. <- now I have to go pick up some flowers for her and arrive before her.
 All in all, it was a pretty fun day. Here are a few photos I took on the hill. I don't have more because i didn't take a lot of photos. If you know me in real life, you should know what I look like already.

I wouldn't want to end it any other way.

Today is the official in-class lessons we will ever have. First period was art, we had a morning tea with food from all over the world(only three types). Second period, we just sat around and talked in Biology. The awkward moment happened at the very end, when we had to keep Ms Whittle in. A few people, Nam, Helen, Mimi and others asked our teacher random questions just to keep her in for a surprise gift. Of course our teacher ended in tears(sort of) because of shock.

<insert some pictures here if i can find any>

We had recess. To be honest it was kind of sad talking in those 20 minutes and realising that the people that I regularly talk to may not be talked to forever, perhaps. After was English, once again, we sat around talking about the not-to-distant future i.e. formal. It was fun to sit back and relax. Once again, the bell rang and that depressing mood came over me, knowing this is the last ever lesson for English. In our final class, IPT, we played slender and took some photos. We had some people come into the class room, Saryna, Selina, and Sally. Andrey and I managed to convince them to play Slender. We only managed to record a small amount due to someone calling midway through the recording. In the process, Winnie also was scared. The only way I could describe our reaction to her reaction was 'LOL!'

The highlight of the day was volleyball. Somehow, a few year 12s managed to convince Mr Jones into lending us a ball. We played until the end of lunch, and well left knowing that it will be our last.

Was going to post this at 2am will have to happen tomorrow.

Will re-edit this.

Monday, September 17, 2012

Let's end this with a BANG!

I know I haven't been posting anything lately, but there has been literally nothing interesting in my life. This one of my many posts throughout my final days of school. This week has started off on a low note. I WILL NOT KEEP IT LIKE THIS, I SWEAR! I WILL END IT WITH A BANG! 3 more days and then no one in Year 12 will be able to see each other on a regular basis. Over the course of 4 days(including today), I will be posting several important blog posts about high school.

High school DOES change you. Don't ever forget that. You form relationships, friendships, heck, even family. These guys and girls will always be in your memory, regardless of what you go through. I'm sorry I don't have pictures. TAKE PICTURES! YOU WILL NOT REGRET TAKING THEM. I ASSURE YOU.   You will meet friends who will be there for you, when you're down, when you're up in the sky. I want anyone who reads this to know that high school is going to be missed, regardless of what you feel about it now.
I WILL miss my friends, classmates, and teachers. They have taught me so much, been there for me through my toughest of times. I swear, I will keep in contact with those who are important to me. There is so much regret due to not doing everything

On a brighter note, the last few weeks have been, as what most people would call it, hectic. Monday-Thursday was relatively standard. Friday was our 50 years celebration. It was fun, too bad I was helping David Nguyen of Year 11 finish his artwork. Oh well, it was worth it.

Saturday I came to school dressed like a leb -- yes, a leb. It was embarrassing as f---.  Oh well. YOLO! Monday finished relatively quickly, didn't want to end it any other way. Although, I will tie any loose ends before I leave.

I will miss my friends and close bonds I've made over the years that I've been here.

Every journey must reach a destination. These journeys can be physical, inner, or imaginative. Unfortunately, this journey has reached its destination and as a result, we must push onto our Post-HSC life.