Tuesday, July 24, 2012


IT'S SO CLEAR ALL OF A SUDDEN. I had forgotten how or why i even studied so effectively. It all came down to the style of music; it had nothing to do with the genre. The music that works most effective for me are ones that have piano keys being banged at a set tempo and have a nice flow. It's so vivid.

I, for once, know what I need to do in order to maintain my study vibe.
- Never miss a beat, ever.

Saturday, July 7, 2012

Friday, July 6, 2012

Message to future me from 7th of March 2012

You didn't go through all this shitty suffering for nothing. GO DO SOMETHING WITH YOUR LIFE! STOP WASTING IT! You should know that better days are here! DON'T FUCKING EVER GO BACK TO THOSE OLD HABITS!