Friday, February 25, 2011

Ep 6# Reaching new heights

Hi, okay... so uhmm yeh... i guess im not totally out of my depression yet... same reason, idk why it happens o-o, it just does...

So imma be aiming for new heights now... and those heights are
  • Getting the fuck out of my depression
  • Going to libary to study everyday(and actually becoming bothered to do so)
  • Sleeping earlier
  • Being more social with friends
  • Insert the rest of the massive list...
 yeah so some people might think that this is easy.. but i can tell you that its not for me...

Unconditional Love

Yeah so I wrote this in a book the other day since I couldn't write it on blog spot anyways.. imma type it all up for anyone out there.

[title]Unconditional Love(LOL yeh i sort of copied the title from another website i found) o-o also I'm not starting from he begging because it won't make any sense [/title]

...I realised that i miss all the days that I talked to other people for nor reason other then talking to them, now that I'm almost done with my depression, I should be able to do that again... especially with her.(DON'T THINK DIRTY!)

This was suppose to be posted a few days ago o-o

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Ep # 5 - Merry Go round

The one thing that keeps me going everyday is something called a Merry Go round... originally i just liked it because of the song itself... but eventually I came to realise i really liked merry go rounds, they seem to have such an awesome/romantic feeling to it and most of all they are relaxing.. yes even for someone as old as me I would think that they are relaxing(only if there isn't anyone who would see me as a loser anyway)

The point of this blog is... well, to tell you guys/girls/transsexuals that if you have something to hold onto even if its not a real life person it will help you get by so much easier

Monday, February 14, 2011

Ep #4 - Rage!

Okay today I saw a tumblr post that REALLY REALLY ticked me off..because 1) this post had such a negative view(based on the post NOT the actual person just to clear things up)
2) i seriously hate people who think that the world is whats making them this way(man that sounded closed minded)


Okay soo imma just express what i think about this post in a short blog post.. remember this is opinion there is no right or wrong its just what i think

Okay soo generally i read this blog post and it was pretty much about how you cannot put someone else before you.. IMO that is total bullshit... in this world it is possible however it is only a small percentage of the world that does care and is willing to do for the rest of the world they would probably match the blog's description

The reason why I'm pissed is that he does not show both points(but of course that's what makes the argument good), anyways.. I'm just going to rage IRL but not here otherwise it will make me seem like a closed minded person.

Oh yeh there was a time when i hated humans however that time has passed and i swear when i look back i realised i made the biggest mistake ever..reason:i was tooblinded to look at both sides.. now that im on the halfway point i can see both sides clearly and thats why i went against that blog in the first place.

My lesson in life ever since i was a kid... Although I've gone through a lot of suffering it has taught me many good things about this world.. THERE ARE SUCH THINGS AS GOOD PEOPLE and anything that you don't do or has happened to you because of someone else you don't blame the world you blame them or at least find a way to fix things up through fixing them up... < confusing huh?

Friday, February 11, 2011

I wanna Fly away

I wanna fly away, leave everything behind. Go up to the clouds and say goodbye. I'll be away from drama and love. No one can hurt me anymore. I wanna fly away, and be gone from this hurtful world. I just wanna fly away.

Source -

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Ep#3//Just let her go

ok so to start things off i just wanted to say that == I still miss her >.>... man although I've tried to forget her over the holidays she just doesn't leave my head T_T.

What i think is that she doesn't like me in the way i like her... soo someone please comment and give me some advice on what to do.. and PLEASE DON'T say something like "Forget her.." or "LOL ask her out ;D." no seriously don't post comments like that... because im trying to forget her and I don't want to ask her..

and JUST so everyone knows.. SHE DOES NOT KNOW THAT I LIKE HER o-o well I hope she doesn't.. it seems to be better this way..

o-o kk thats my blog for now.. ill probably edit some more later

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Ep#2 This isn't the end of the road!

Yeh.. soo recently I've been trying to do one thing.. and that's run away from my past...or at least run away to get stuff soo i can fix it(more like getting supplies to fix the problem< metaphor intended..).

For anyone who bothered reading about my past down about to my 3rd blog.. you would realise my past has alot of mistakes... however.. that is NEVER EVER going to stop me from trying to correct my mistakes...

I recently found the book where i wrote pieces of writings like blogs and even though at the beginning i thought it would be stupid and gay.. in the end i never found it stupid.. i was kind of surprised that i found it interesting and well im more surprised I didn't find it stupid.

for anyone who bothers to read this (and im hopping to god that none of the people who read this is my friends o-o) you should never give up and never let any chances passes by.. because if you do you WILL regret it! and i know this as a fact.. if you never do something.. you will live your life not knowing what could of happened if you did do it!.. and even if you do it and fail miserably at least you know you tried and that's all that should matter.

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